Fake Father Mike accounts on social media

Fr. Mike will NEVER:

  • Direct message or chat through Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, etc.
  • Direct message you asking for money, donations, or prayer requests
  • Ask you to message him on a different platform
  • Ask for personal information (phone number, address, social security number...)
  • Request to be your friend via social media if he does not personally know you.

When you're online, ALWAYS:

  • Stick to trusted, official channels like the Ascension Facebook Groups
  • Only send money through official websites like AscensionPress.com or BulldogCatholic.org
  • Avoid following a link someone you don't know sent you
  • If you have questions, contact our friendly customer support team by emailing support@ascensionpress.com or calling us. We will help you.
  • Trust your gut! If something seems fishy, it's probably a scam.

If you come across any suspicious accounts, please report and block them. And let's also pray for the individuals behind these fake accounts, that they may turn to a path of honesty and truth.

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