Does the Catechism (Ascension Edition) have an Imprimatur?

The imprimatur is the canonical approval of the diocesan bishop of where the book was written - but for some more important books, like the Catechism or the Bible, a further level of review is required. It is not enough for the local bishop to approve it - it needs the approval of the Holy See in Rome. This is called an imprimi potest.

The USCCB Conformity Review has given the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ascension Edition an imprimi potest: The supplementary materials added to the body of the text and in the appendices are free from error and ambiguity, and they completely and correctly reflect the content of the Catechism. - Fr. Peter Totleben, O.P. S.T.L, July 31, 2022

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