How to slow down a Podcast

Thank you for contacting Ascension. We're so sorry you are having troubles listening to the The Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year Podcasts due to the speed, and we want you to be able to listen at a speed that allows you to follow Fr. Mike!

There is a way within some of the apps that will allow listeners to slow down the speed of the podcast (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Podcasts).

We have included some screenshots indicating where these playback speed selections are located on some of the different podcast apps that the Bible in a Year Podcast is hosted on.

If you are listening directly through our website, you can slow down the playback speed directly on the podcast player.


If you are listening with YouTube, you may slow the podcast down by selecting in the settings of the playback speed to .75, .5, or .25 speed to slow it down.


If you are listening on Spotify, you may reduce playback to 0.8x, or 0.5x speed.


If you are listening on on Apple Podcasts, the playback speed selection is usually located to the bottom left of the play button. You may slow the podcast down to 1/2 speed.


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