The differences between Quick Catholic Lessons Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

Both Quick Catholic Lessons Volume 1 and Volume 2 are the same in structure, but the main difference between the two studies is that they will have different sets of topics and videos.

Here are the lists of videos for both Quick Catholic Lessons Volumes 1 and 2:

Volume 1

1. Why Be Catholic and Not Just Christian?

2. Motivation to Go to Mass

3. Why Confess My Sins to a Priest?

4. Learning How to Love from the Bible

5. What Is Hope and Why Do You Need It?

6. Is it OK to Judge Someone?

7. The Power of Prayer

8. Battle of Prayer

9. Three Steps to Unceasing Prayer

10. Mastering Love and Relationships

11. The Meaning of Suffering

12. Mortal vs. Venial Sin

13. Talking About Suicide

14. How to Quit Porn

15. Avoiding Impurity

Volume 2

1. Why God Gave Us Bodies

2. Can I Get a Tattoo?

3. Four Essentials for Catholics

4. What Does God Want Me to Do?

5. Tips for Praying

6. Do Catholics Worship Saints?

7. What You Should Know About Purgatory

8. Will My Pet Be in Heaven?

9. I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

10. Confessing the Same Sins Over and Over Again

11. Why is Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain Wrong?

12. Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

13. The Church and Immigration

14. Catholic Teaching on Contraception Explained

15. Catholics, Alcohol, and Drinking

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