Website and sign-up form problems

Not all browsers play well with every website. If a sign up form doesn't appear while you're using a browser such as Firefox or Duck Duck Go, we would suggest trying it again with a different browser like Chrome or Safari. 

Another reason for running into a problem (such a a popup saying the page or connection isn't secure) may be that your firewall or other security settings may be set a little high. If you're trying to reach our site from a school or business, please check with your tech support to be sure.

For others though, it could very well be that your computer or device needs a little cleanup. Even the most up-to-date device will need one now and again.

The most effective way to allow your computer to browse the internet again is to update your machine's operating system, if possible. Here are some sites that can help you with that:

  • The Site above will walk you through how to update to the most recent Mac OS.  Please note,  Apple only supports Macs running OS 10.14 or later.  If your Mac is running 10.11 or later, you can use the link above to upgrade.  If you have any OS older than 10.11, your mac is no longer supported, and you may need to purchase a new computer to access the internet

If you have tried the appropriate link above, and are running the most recent version of your browser, here are some additional tips that may help:


  • Clear your cache and cookies on your browser. After this, completely reboot the browser.
  • Try on another web browser or an incognito window (in Chrome, these are called incognito windows. In Safari, they are called Private Windows, and can be opened in Safari by selecting "New Private Window" under the file menu).
  • When using incognito, if you are still experiencing a display issue, confirm you have disabled browser extensions as these can change how the pages look.
  • Ensure the web browser is up to date on the latest version (we don't support every browser, but we do support these ones.)
  • Try another internet connection (example, switch to a cellular network on a phone rather than wifi.)
  • Ensure there are no pop-ups being blocked in the web browser.
  • Ensure you do not have any firewalls or pop-up blockers enabled on the device (sometimes using a machine at a workplace creates issues due to network security at some offices).

If, after trying all of these, you are still unable to use our site, please let us know. 

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