How does an in-person Bible study work? What do we do each week?

During the first meeting, you and your group will get to know each other and become acquainted with the study materials. The Core Team should focus on hospitality and organizing participants into small groups of 8–12 people for discussion segments. The first video for each study is an introduction to that topic and should be played at this time. Name tags help set a friendly tone at the first meeting, especially for new attendees and in the event that social distance restrictions have everyone feeling a bit uncomfortable.

After that, there are four main parts to each Bible study that you and your group will complete each week:

  • Home Preparation: Your participants should complete their at-home readings from Scripture and work on the study questions found in the workbook. Encourage everyone to complete as much as possible, but assure participants that they will still get a lot out of their study experience even if they can’t finish their homework each week. (This is particularly helpful for busy parents or working adults.)
  • Group Meeting: (The following elements can vary based on your group’s needs.)
    • Hospitality: Welcome everyone and open with a prayer. Some groups start with fellowship and refreshments.
    • Small-Group Discussions: Meet in small groups to discuss the study questions and to share your insights into the Scripture readings.
    • Video Presentation: Enjoy the video presentation, which offers unique insights and profound connections to help you gain a deeper understanding of the topics that you explored that week in your reading and discussion.

A customized suggestion for the timing off each of these elements will be found in your workbook.

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