How do I access the all-digital online course after I purchase?
After you purchase a product that includes access, check your inbox for an email from our partner Thinkific (we have partnered with them to provide you with this upgraded study experience!). In order to access your online study, you will receive a link in that email to create a FREE account with Thinkific and access your study.
You will then be able to access your online study at
(Note that if you have already created a Thinkific account through Ascension, you will not need to create a new one, but will then receive a link to access your online study directly.)
If you purchased multiple online course enrollments, you'll receive an email within a few days of your purchase with a link which you can forward to your students. Then, each student can create their account and access their online course.
If you need your students enrolled now or have any questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call at 800-376-0520, chat with us by clicking on the chat to the right or email