More Info About Fr. Mike's Tour

The tour is part of Fr. Mike's ongoing fundraising efforts to build a new Catholic Campus Ministry center for the University of Minnesota-Duluth, where Fr. Mike is the chaplain on campus.

The event itself will be a 45 minute talk from Fr. Mike followed by 45 minutes of moderated audience Q&A. It is a wonderful way to hear Fr. Mike in person, have a chance to ask questions, and help out the Campus Ministry at the same time.

To preserve the unique quality of the in-person experience, these talks will not be recorded. 

Tickets will start at $40, and are dynamic (meaning prices will go up as the supply gets limited). To reduce bots and ticket scalpers, pre-sale tickets are limited to people with verified US addresses. When general ticket sales begin, tickets will open up to people from Canada or with other international addresses. 

To sign up for early access tickets, use the sign up form on our website to be added to the list.

We hope you are able to join us in this fundraising effort. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to help, please go to to contribute.

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