App Features and Navigation

Most of our main features are accessible directly from the app's home screen. A few things I'd like to point out though are:

  • Your Profile: The person/profile icon is in the top right of your screen. Here, you can start or stop a premium subscription, find all of your notes, bookmarks and highlights, and use the Settings feature to adjust the font size of the text as well as the playback speed for the podcasts.
  • Daily Readings and Reflections, as well as Father's Sunday homilies: These can be found at the top of your screen, in the calendar section. (The Sunday homilies are only found on Sundays though)
  • Podcasts: The home screen will show you what episode you're on (or were in the middle of) from here. You can also see the entire list of episodes by selecting "Podcast" from the bottom of your screen, and then "See All" to the right of the podcast.
  • The Bible and Catechism: The text of both are free for all users. You can pick up where you last read directly from the home screen, or use the Bible or Catechism prompts at the bottom to explore more, look up the Bible Timeline or Foundations of Faith charts, or even search for a passage or paragraph.
  • Bible Answers: Bible questions and answers are also found at the bottom of your home screen, as well as scattered throughout the Bible itself. This is a premium feature available to paid subscribers or those using a trial subscription.
  • Lectio Divina: Another premium feature is found by tapping and holding a passage from the Bible. A pop up will appear with tools such as bookmarks, highlighting and notes (found for both the Bible and Catechism) as well as an option to pray along with that passage.
  • Studies: The studies icon at the bottom right of your home screen will bring you to audio editions of our adult bible and faith formation studies. These editions do not include video or text (those can be purchased separately from our website) and are not included as part of a digital study access through our website.
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